Retainage in Construction: The Comprehensive Guide
In these discussions, iron out payment timelines and unique details like earning interest. Try to negotiate a lower percentage and shortened timeframes if you can. Or advocate for a variable retention rate that eliminates retainage at an agreed-upon milestone, such as 50% complete. If you know retainage terms will cause you to run into cash […]
What Are the Components of Shareholders’ Equity?
Treasury shares are still counted as issued shares, but they are not considered outstanding and so are not included in dividends or earnings per share (EPS) calculations. When a company needs to acquire extra capital, Treasury shares can always be reissued to investors for purchase. If a firm does not want to keep the shares […]
Holidays Office Closure Guide
QuickBooks Online Accountant is a great tool able to help you have access to your client’s books from anywhere with an internet connection so you can help them with their bookkeeping. I can provide some information about QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Online for Accountants. I love that you’re sharpening your QuickBooks Online skills by going […]
Kansas City Accounting & Bookkeeping Services by TaxesPlus, Inc
Being able to see the big picture will give you actionable insights to help you grow your business. Whether you’re interested in working with us, need an expert opinion – or just want to find out more about what we do, we’d love to hear from you. Simply payroll, automate computation, adhere to compliance laws, […]